Sunday 24 April 2016


Spying on nurses at a private 

Facebook page and recruiting other management bullies to do the same.

How low can you go?


  The Govemonster 

and  recruits 

               who adds

The Govemonster.

Rummaging around in your knicker drawer to make tangential allegations about you.

Recruiting bullies to do the same.

A pathetic squalid joke of a human being.

check to all of the above.

More soon.

Agent Smith.


  1. She does love an investigation.

  2. Well Janet does love an investigation.

    1. but never her mates and the people who really need investigating. if you want to work for a person with double standards, work for janet rigby.

  3. she's an appalling bully of he highest order. staff live in fear of her. and rightly so.

  4. Not so long ago a district manager said to me after I told her i was going to a clinic the Govemonster manages, 'Do not ever be alone in a room with Janet. She'll twist everything you say into some thing else. If you think she is after you just get out and fast.'
    It says it all when your own colleagues at the same level hate you and know exactly what you are like.

  5. Janet needs to get herself a life.

  6. Keep an eye on her at all times28 April 2016 at 14:50

    Takes staff to one side and asks them to watch their colleagues and tell her what they see. Then uses that information to attack the target. Behind the scenes sends abusive emails to other managers about her latest target. Manipulates and deceives constantly. Terrified of the truth getting out about what goes on in her teams. An all round nasty piece of work who cannot be trusted by anyone unlucky enough to have her as their manager.

  7. Groote has a little network of brown nosing petty minded spies. Buyer beware. Go there at your peril.
